San Diego’s Estate Planning
and Living Trust Attorney
Jack Stephens J.D., LL.M. established our San Diego-based law firm to help clients avoid costly legal proceedings and tax burdens through Trusts and estate planning.
He has successfully created thousands of Trusts over the years, saving clients significant money and frustration with his Trust strategies and planning.
At our firm, we offer services from the creation of the Trust through the closing of the Trust at the Decedent’s Trust Administration. Jack Stephens has provided his expertise at educational seminars for attorneys and other professionals and has been recognized with numerous awards for these accomplishments.
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عربى – Arabic
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Español – Spanish
Português – Portuguese

Estate Planning Attorney San Diego
As an active contributor to continuing education in Estate Planning, Jack Stephens has authored and edited quarterly newsletters, pamphlets, and contributed articles to the Continuing Education of the Bar of California. Additionally, he has gained endorsement by Kiplinger’s Retirement Report for his book, Avoiding Tax Traps in Your IRA.